When it comes to saving files in Microsoft Word, Excel, and/or PowerPoint, I have some bad news and some good news.
The bad news
I have been frustrated. I hate the Save this File dialog box that comes up when I click the Save icon, or press Ctrl S, or choose File, Save or choose File, Save As. I hate it because it doesn’t allow me to quickly and easily switch to the drive and folder where I need to save this file. Instead it forces me to 1) click the More button, and then 2) click the Browse button before giving me the Save As dialog box that lets me save the file where I want.

The good news
The good news is pressing F12 immediately brings up the good ol’ Save As dialog box that lets me easily save the file where I want.
By using the F12 key you can save yourself time and the frustration, especially if you find you need to switch folders when saving your file. So next time you save a file in a Microsoft 365 apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint just press F12 and experience the difference for yourself.