


5A O

5A S
6A O
6A S

Participating Schools

Farmington – 6A O

Performance Time:
8:30 PM

Brek Mangelson

Farmington High School Marching Band

Farmington, UT

“Unleashed” arranged by Jay Bocook & K.J. Stafford

Musical Selection:
“The Canyon” by Philip Glass
“Love Suite” by Thomas Bergersen
“Looking for Wrong” by Thomas Newman
“We Are Legends” by Thomas Bergersen

Drum Majors:
Crimsyn Peery
Eric Walker
Asher VanHorn

Staff Members:
Caleb Hodson
Mark Hartman
Karene Warby
David Wicai
Jake Harker
Ryan Wing
Sarah Johnson
Josh Brock
Carston Gowans
Anna Barber
Megan Neal
Natalee Goecken
Sydney James

Special thanks to Farmington High School”s principal, Richard Swanson, and the rest of the school administration. Also thanks to the parents of the band students, and the communities of Farmington and Kaysville for all their support. Go Phoenix!