


5A O

5A S
6A O
6A S

Participating Schools

Copper Hills – 6A S

Performance Time:
6:00 PM

Chris Kuhlemeier

Copper Hills Mighty Marching Grizzlies

West Jordan, UT

Immortal Beloved

Musical Selection:
Various works by Beethoven

Drum Majors:
Esther Ojo
Milena Pereira

Staff Members:
Brass Caption Head:
Robert Coe-Jones

Brass Associate Caption Head:
Erik Wieben

Woodwind Caption Head:
Morgan Moulton

Woodwind Associate Caption Head:
Anne Moulton

Percussion Caption Head:
Camille Barlow

Percussion Specialists:
Echo Pettit
Jenny Bingaman

Percussion Techs:
Cody Dodge
Kasja Leach

Color Guard Caption Head:
Brandt Winn

Color Guard Associate Caption Head:
Julianna Keele

The Copper Hills Band Boosters and Parents for your countless hours of hard work and dedication to these fine musicians, the Copper Hills School Community for your never-ending support and hype for your Might Marching Grizzlies, the Staff and Administration of Copper Hills High School for your continued support and helpful contributions to the growth of all the Copper Hills Band Programs, and Mr. Bryan Veazie, Principal of Copper Hills High School, for your support and love of your band students. Also, never forget…as always, it’s a GREAT day to be a Grizzly, ROAR!